How much does it cost to travel from Brisbane Airport to Brisbane City?

Traveling from Brisbane Airport to Brisbane City can be done in several ways, and the cost will vary depending on your chosen mode of transportation. Here are the options available, along with their estimated costs as of April 2023:

  1. Train – AU$10 to AU$15

    The train station is located near the airport, and it is a cheap and easy way to reach the CBD and other surrounding stations. However, there may be waiting times to catch the train.
  2. Shared Airport Shuttle Service – AU$15 onwards

    Many companies offer popular hotel drop-offs. This is an affordable option, but there may be waiting times for other passengers.
    To find companies that offer Brisbane airport shuttle servicer, you can search for ‘airport shuttle bus Brisbane’
  3. Taxi – (13 Cabs and Black & White) – AU$52 to AU$64 plus tolls

    Taxis are available at the airport and are safe and reliable. There may be additional fees for tolls depending on the route you choose.
    To find companies that offer Taxi service in Brisbane please search ’13 Cabs’ and ‘Black & White Cabs’

  4. Ride-share services such as Uber, Didi, Ola, Sheba, etc. – AU$51 to AU$88 plus tolls and airport entry fee (when price not surging)
    Ride-sharing services are available outside the terminal, and the price can vary depending on the level of service you choose. However, there may be waiting times, and the cost can surge in Brisbane Airport.
  5. Private Airport Transfers/Airport Limo Service – AU$110 to AU$150

    This service includes tolls on the road, airport parking fees, meet and greet service at the carousel holding your name, and a ride in a well-maintained, clean, and reliable vehicle driven by professional chauffeurs.

    To find companies that offer private airport transfers or airport limo services, you can search for ‘Private Airport Transfers Brisbane’ or ‘Private Airport Limo Service Brisbane.

  6. Airport Stretch Limousine Services – AU$290 to AU$490
    This service includes tolls on the road, airport parking fees, meet and greet service at the carousel holding your name, and a ride in a well-maintained, clean, and reliable stretch limousine driven by professional chauffeurs.

To find companies that offer stretch limousine services, you can search for ‘Stretch Limousine Transfers Brisbane’ or ‘Hummer Limo Hire Brisbane.’

In conclusion, the cost of traveling from Brisbane Airport to Brisbane City can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose. It is recommended that you compare the options available and choose the one that best fits your budget and travel preferences.